Sell a collection of Magic The Gathering Cards in bulk (See Details - Price to be Determined)
Sell a collection of Magic The Gathering Cards in bulk (See Details - Price to be Determined)

Use this listing to sell a full collection of Magic the Gathering cards. It can be a whole binder, box, storage container etc...When the shipment comes in we will count and pay a minimum of the following prices for mint cards:
Red Symbol Mythic Rare card $0.15 each
Gold Symbol Rare $0.05 each
Commons/Uncommons (3 Cards for $0.01)
Booster Pack $0.75 each
Booster Box $75.00+ each
Theme Decks $2.00+ each
To sell these cards to us they must be Mint Condition. Mint condition means No bends, scratches, marks, white edges, folds etc... Any non-mint cards can be returned if desired. (shipping would be required to return).
This listing is meant to be placed on an order by itself to sell a whole collection of items. It shouldn't be combined with regularly listed items.