Here you will find the listings for the single Pokemon Cards that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. We have them listed in the categories based on the sets.
We purchase most Pokemon Cards in bulk for the following prices. However, there are many that we purchase for more which have individual listings show below.
Prices vary depending on the age of the cards. For the purpose of sorting we use the terms vintage and modern:
- Vintage cards are dated 2006 and before
- Modern cards are dated 2007 to now.
HOLOS (these are Star Holos - Non-Reverse)
Vintage $1.00 each
Modern $0.10 each
REVERSE HOLOS (these are all Circle, Diamond & Star Holos)
Vintage $0.50 each
Modern $0.05 each
RARES (these are the Star cards)
Vintage $0.10 each
Modern $0.02 each
COMMONS/UNCOMMONS (these are the Circle & Diamond cards)
Vintage $0.04 each
Modern $0.01 each
ENERGY CARDS $0.005 each (2 cards for $0.01) - All Years
Requirements to sell us Pokemon Cards:
- Must be in Mint (or like new) condition. This is very important & means that the cards should be like new as if they came directly out the packs. They should have No bends, creases, scratches, marks, white edges, folds etc...
- Must be the regular US version (no foreign or fake cards)
(Basically, If you kept your cards stored away & protected, then we are likely to purchase them. On the other hand, if your cards were used & played with, that caused them to get damaged then we can't use them)
To sell a full collection without looking your cards up please click here
We Pay: $0.00
We Pay: $0.00
We Pay: $0.00
We Pay: $0.00