Here you will find the listings for the sealed Pokemon Cards that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. We have listed Packs, Decks, Boxes, Tins and more.
Requirements to sell us sealed Pokemon Cards:
- Must be in new & sealed condition.
- Must be the regular US version (no foreign or fake cards)
Pokemon Collectors Shining Fates Mini Tin - CELEBI (2 Booster Packs, 1 Coin & Art Card) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808678
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Collectors Shining Fates Mini Tin - KYOGRE (2 Booster Packs, 1 Coin & Art Card) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808678
We Pay: $5.00
Pokemon Collectors Shining Fates Mini Tin - MANAPHY (2 Booster Packs, 1 Coin & Art Card) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808678
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Collectors Shining Fates Mini Tin - RESHIRAM (2 Booster Packs, 1 Coin & Art Card) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808678
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Collectors Shining Fates Mini Tin - ZARUDE (2 Booster Packs, 1 Coin & Art Card) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808678
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Sinnoh Stars Mini Tin - CHIMCHAR & PACHIRISU (2 Packs, 1 metallic coin & art card) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850141
We Pay: $2.00
Pokemon Sinnoh Stars Mini Tin - LUCARIO & BIDOOF (2 Packs, 1 metallic coin & art card) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850141
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Sinnoh Stars Mini Tin - MUNCHLAX & DRIFLOON (2 Packs, 1 metallic coin & art card) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850141
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Sinnoh Stars Mini Tin - PIPLUP & MIME JR. (2 Packs, 1 metallic coin & art card) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850141
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Sinnoh Stars Mini Tin - TURTWIG & LUXRAY (2 Packs, 1 metallic coin & art card) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850141
We Pay: $2.00
Pokemon Sword & Shield Elite Trainer Box - VIVID VOLTAGE (8 Packs, Energy Cards, Sleeves & More) (Ne
UPC Barcode = 820650807688
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon Cards - CELEBRATIONS ELITE TRAINER BOX (15 Packs, 65 Sleeves, 45 Energy Cards & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809439
We Pay: $35.00
Pokemon 2021 Elite Trainer Box Plus - ZACIAN (12 Boosters, 65 Sleeves, Gold Foil, Metal Markers) (Ne
UPC Barcode = 820650807435
We Pay: $30.00
Pokemon 2021 Elite Trainer Box Plus - ZAMAZENTA (12 Boosters, 65 Sleeves, Gold Foil, Metal Markers)
UPC Barcode = 820650807435
We Pay: $20.00
Pokemon 2021 Elite Trainer Box - SHINING FATES (10 Packs, Eevee VMAX Card, Sleeves, Dice & More) (Ne
UPC Barcode = 820650808173
We Pay: $15.00
Pokemon 2021 Sword/Shield Battle Styles Elite Trainer Box - GIGANTAMAX URSHIFU (Rapid Strike) (Blue)
UPC Barcode = 820650808357
We Pay: $8.00
Pokemon 2021 Sword/Shield Battle Styles Elite Trainer Box - GIGANTAMAX URSHIFU (Single Strike) (Red)
UPC Barcode = 820650808357
We Pay: $12.00
Pokemon Cards Sword & Shield Chilling Reign - 2021 Elite Trainer Box - ICE RIDER CALYREX (Blue) (New
UPC Barcode = 820650808630
We Pay: $8.00
Pokemon Cards Sword & Shield Chilling Reign - 2021 Elite Trainer Box - SHADOW RIDER CALYREX (Purple)
UPC Barcode = 820650808630
We Pay: $8.00
Pokemon Cards Sword & Shield Evolving Skies - ELITE TRAINER BOX (Leafeon, Jolteon, Flareon & Umbreon
UPC Barcode = 820650808944
We Pay: $18.00
Pokemon Cards Sword & Shield Evolving Skies - ELITE TRAINER BOX (Sylveon, Espeon, Glaceon & Vaporeon
UPC Barcode = 820650808944
We Pay: $30.00
Pokemon Cards Sword & Shield Fusion Strike - ELITE TRAINER BOX (8 Packs, 65 Sleeves & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809330
We Pay: $12.00
Pokemon Cards - 2021 TRAINER'S TOOLKIT (100+ Energy Cards, 4 Boosters, Sleeves, 50+ Cards & More) (N
UPC Barcode = 820650808753
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards Sword & Shield Brilliant Stars - ELITE TRAINER BOX (8 Packs, 65 Sleeves & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850127
We Pay: $12.00
Pokemon Trading Card Game - Battle Arena Decks - BLACK KYUREM vs WHITE KYUREM (Two 60-Card Decks) (N
UPC Barcode = 820650802843
We Pay: $5.00
Pokemon Card Game - V Battle Decks - LYCANROC vs. CORVIKNIGHT (Two 60-Card Decks, Coins, Deck Boxes)
UPC Barcode = 820650809576
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Card Game - V Battle Decks - RAYQUAZA VS. NOIVERN (Two 60-Card Decks, Coins, Deck Boxes) (Ne
UPC Barcode = 820650809491
We Pay: $5.00
Pokemon Card Game - V Battle Decks - VICTINI VS. GARDEVOIR (Two 60-Card Decks, Coins, Deck Boxes) (N
UPC Barcode = 820650809484
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon Trading Card Game - V Battle Deck - GARDEVOIR V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808722
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Trading Card Game - V Battle Deck - VICTINI V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808722
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Trading Card Game - V Battle Deck - BLASTOISE V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808395
We Pay: $5.00
Pokemon Trading Card Game - V Battle Deck - VENUSAUR V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808395
We Pay: $5.00
Pokemon Trading Card Game - V Battle Deck - NOIVERN V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809095
We Pay: $2.00
Pokemon Trading Card Game - V Battle Deck - RAYQUAZA V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809095
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Trading Card Game - V Battle Deck - CORVIKNIGHT V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809323
We Pay: $2.00
Pokemon Trading Card Game - V Battle Deck - LYCANROC V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809323
We Pay: $1.00
Pokemon Cards - SHINING FATES MAD PARTY PIN COLLECTION (Bunnelby) (1 Pin, 3 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808685
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Cards - SHINING FATES MAD PARTY PIN COLLECTION (Dedenne) (1 Pin, 3 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808685
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Cards - SHINING FATES MAD PARTY PIN COLLECTION (Galarian Mr. Rime) (1 Pin, 3 Packs & 1 Foil)
UPC Barcode = 820650808685
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Cards - SHINING FATES MAD PARTY PIN COLLECTION (Polteageist) (1 Pin, 3 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808685
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Brilliant Stars - GLACEON BLISTER PACK (3 Boosters, 1 Coin & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850011
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Battle Styles - EEVEE BLISTER PACK (3 Boosters, 1 Coin & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808227
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Battle Styles - JOLTEON BLISTER PACK (3 Boosters, 1 Coin & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808227
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Chilling Reign - EEVEE BLISTER PACK (3 Boosters, 1 Coin & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808500
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Chilling Reign - SNORLAX BLISTER PACK (3 Boosters, 1 Coin & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808500
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - ALOLA FIRST PARTNER PACK (2 Booster Packs & 3 JUMBO Oversize Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809620
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - GALAR FIRST PARTNER PACK (2 Booster Packs & 3 JUMBO Oversize Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809613
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Cards - HOENN FIRST PARTNER PACK (2 Booster Packs & 3 JUMBO Oversize Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809668
We Pay: $1.00