Here you will find the listings for the sealed Pokemon Cards that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. We have listed Packs, Decks, Boxes, Tins and more.
Requirements to sell us sealed Pokemon Cards:
- Must be in new & sealed condition.
- Must be the regular US version (no foreign or fake cards)
Pokemon Cards Sword & Shield Silver Tempest - ALOLAN VULPIX ELITE TRAINER BOX (Packs, Sleeves & More
UPC Barcode = 820650851070
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon Cards - 2022 TRAINER'S TOOLKIT (100+ Energy Cards, 4 Boosters, Sleeves, 50+ Cards & More) (N
UPC Barcode = 820650850455
We Pay: $5.00
Pokemon Cards - CROWN ZENITH ELITE TRAINER BOX (10 Packs, 65 Sleeves, Energy Cards & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650851476
We Pay: $18.00
Pokemon Cards - SCARLET & VIOLET ELITE TRAINER BOX (Koraidon) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650853418
We Pay: $12.00
Pokemon Cards - SCARLET & VIOLET ELITE TRAINER BOX (Miraidon) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650853418
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon TCG Supplies - Back 2 School PIKACHU PENCIL CASE (1 Tin & 2 Booster Packs) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809521
We Pay: $5.00
Pokemon Cards - 2022 World Championships Deck - ADP (Ondrej Skubal) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650852206
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - 2022 World Championships Deck - CHERYL AGAIN (Sebastian Lashmet) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650852206
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - 2022 World Championships Deck - ICE RIDER PALKIA (Rikuto Ohash) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650852206
We Pay: $2.00
Pokemon Cards - 2022 World Championships Deck - THE SHAPE OF MEW (Andre Chiasson) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650852206
We Pay: $2.00
Pokemon GO Card Game - V Battle Decks - MEWTWO vs. MELMETAL (Two 60-Card Decks, Coins, Deck Boxes) (
UPC Barcode = 820650850493
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Trading Cards - V Battle Decks - ZERAORA vs. DEOXYS (Two 60-Card Decks, Coins, Deck Boxes) (
UPC Barcode = 820650850875
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon GO Trading Card Game - V Battle Deck - MELMETAL V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850479
We Pay: $1.00
Pokemon GO Trading Card Game - V Battle Deck - MEWTWO V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850479
We Pay: $2.00
Pokemon Trading Cards - V Battle Deck - DEOXYS V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850851
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Trading Cards - V Battle Deck - ZERAORA V (60-Card Deck) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850851
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - POKEMON GO PIN COLLECTION (Bulbasaur) (1 Pin, 3 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850813
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - POKEMON GO PIN COLLECTION (Charmander) (1 Pin, 3 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850813
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - POKEMON GO PIN COLLECTION (Squirtle) (1 Pin, 3 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850813
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Astral Radiance - EEVEE BLISTER PACK (3 Boosters, 1 Coin & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850288
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Lost Origin - REGIGIGAS BLISTER PACK (3 Boosters, 1 Coin & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850608
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Silver Tempest - TOGETIC BLISTER PACK (3 Boosters, 1 Coin & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850967
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Cards - McDonald's 25th Anniversary - SEALED ENVELOPE (Includes 4-Card Booster) (2021) (New)
We Pay: $1.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Rebel Clash - BLISTER BOOSTER PACK (10 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650806827
We Pay: $1.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Vivid Voltage - BLISTER BOOSTER PACK (10 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650807503
We Pay: $0.50
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Astral Radiance - BOOSTER PACK (10 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850233
We Pay: $1.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Astral Radiance - BLISTER BOOSTER PACK (10 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850240
We Pay: $1.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Lost Origin - BOOSTER PACK (10 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850554
We Pay: $0.50
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Lost Origin - BLISTER BOOSTER PACK (10 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850561
We Pay: $2.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Silver Tempest - BOOSTER PACK (10 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850912
We Pay: $0.50
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Silver Tempest - BLISTER BOOSTER PACK (10 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650850929
We Pay: $1.50
Pokemon Cards - Scarlet &Violet: - BOOSTER PACK (10 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650853241
We Pay: $0.50
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Astral Radiance - BOOSTER BOX (36 Packs) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650860232
We Pay: $75.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Lost Origin - BOOSTER BOX (36 Packs) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650860553
We Pay: $80.00
Pokemon Cards - S&S: Silver Tempest - BOOSTER BOX (36 Packs) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650860911
We Pay: $75.00
Pokemon Cards - Scarlet & Violet - BOOSTER BOX (36 Packs) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650863240
We Pay: $45.00
Pokemon Cards - S&V: Stellar Crown - HORSEA BLISTER PACK (1 Booster, 1 Coin & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650853319
We Pay: $1.00
Pokemon Cards - S&V: Stellar Crown - PORYGON2 BLISTER PACK (1 Booster, 1 Coin & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650853319
We Pay: $1.00
Pokemon Cards - Scarlet & Violet: Surging Sparks - PACHIRISU BLISTER PACK (1 Booster, Coin & Foil) (
UPC Barcode = 820650853319
We Pay: $1.00
Pokemon Cards - Scarlet & Violet: Surging Sparks - WOOPER BLISTER PACK (1 Booster, Coin & Foil) (New
UPC Barcode = 820650853319
We Pay: $1.00
Pokemon Cards - Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle BOX (4 Boosters, 40-Card Deck, 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650853463
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Cards - Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle STADIUM (2 B&B Boxes, Packs & more) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650853470
We Pay: $7.00
Pokemon Cards - S&V: Obsidian Flames Build & Battle STADIUM (2 B&B Boxes, Packs & more) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650853975
We Pay: $12.00
Pokemon Cards - S&V: Paldea Evolved Build & Battle STADIUM (2 B&B Boxes, Packs & more) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650853722
We Pay: $10.00
Pokemon Cards - S&V: Paradox Rift Build & Battle STADIUM (2 B&B Boxes, Packs & more) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650854224
We Pay: $8.00
Pokemon Cards - S&V: Obsidian Flames Build & Battle BOX (4 Boosters, 40-Card Deck & More (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650853968
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Cards - S&V: Paldea Evolved Build & Battle BOX (4 Boosters, 40-Card Deck, 1 Foil (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650853715
We Pay: $4.00