Here you will find links to both the Webkinz & Lil'Kinz that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. We have over 700 Webkinz items listed. Any that are not listed can be sold to us at the bulk price.
We have 2 options to sell Webkinz:
#1. You can view the individual listing prices for each Webkinz and add the ones you want to sell to your basket. The easiest way to find Webkinz is to search the UPC barcode that is on the back of the tag or type in the name of the Webkinz itself.
It is usually easier to search the UPC barcode number. Typically only the last 5 or 6 digits is needed to locate the product.
#2. You can sell your collection in bulk at flat prices without looking each Webkinz up one at a time. See the bulk prices below.
Before processing a sell order please read through the following information to make sure that your items meet the condition & quality we need.
We are mainly looking to purchase MINT (or like new) items. When determining the condition of a Webkinz Plush item there are two important features. First is the condition of the item itself and second the hang tag. 99% of the items we are looking for have to be in mint condition, kept new & clean.
Mint Condition: Means clean & like new. The item itself can not be dirty, played with, soiled, discolored or worn. It should also not have any strange odor such as smoke, animal scents or any other bad odor. Also very important, it MUST have the original tag attached, untampered with & sealed in plastic as it came from the manufacturer. The Code inside must be un-used.
We Pay: $1.50
We Pay: $3.00
We Pay: $0.50
We Pay: $0.50
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - AARDVARK (15 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371483764
We Pay: $6.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - 10 YEAR MAGIC W PUP (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 061371924892
We Pay: $4.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - AIREDALE TERRIER (9 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371669946
We Pay: $6.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - ALLEY CAT (8 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 065810329581
We Pay: $5.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - ALOHA DOLPHIN (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371630168
We Pay: $6.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - ALPACA (9 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371715346
We Pay: $3.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - ALPINE ST. BERNARD (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371411644
We Pay: $2.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - AMERICAN GERMAN SHEPHERD (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371529349
We Pay: $2.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - AMERICAN BUFFALO (9 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371154060
We Pay: $4.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - AMERICAN COCKER SPANIEL (7.5 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371108476
We Pay: $2.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - AMERICAN GOLDEN RETRIEVER (7.5 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371182445
We Pay: $2.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - AMERICAN ALBINO HORSE (8.5 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371108544
We Pay: $2.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - ANGORA BUNNY (8 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371483702
We Pay: $6.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - APATOSAURUS (11 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371136295
We Pay: $6.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - ARCTIC FOX (8 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371113104
We Pay: $8.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - ARCTIC POLAR BEAR (11 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371609157
We Pay: $3.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - Rockerz - BAD TO THE BONE BULLDOG (9 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371778624
We Pay: $3.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BADGER (8 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371679747
We Pay: $1.50
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BALLET PUP (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371529325
We Pay: $1.50
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BANANAS MONKEY (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371353722
We Pay: $3.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BARRED OWL (9 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371386713
We Pay: $6.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BAT (8.5 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371157849
We Pay: $6.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BATIK ELEPHANT (8.5 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371403267
We Pay: $4.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BEAGLE (7.5 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371008363
We Pay: $6.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BEAVER (7 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371056388
We Pay: $3.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BENGAL TIGER (8 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371055015
We Pay: $4.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BERRY CHEEKY MONKEY (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 061371886244
We Pay: $3.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BICHON FRISE (9 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371710297
We Pay: $2.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BILLY GOAT (9.5 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371579283
We Pay: $12.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BLACK WOLF (10 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371815190
We Pay: $5.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BLACK BEAR (6.5 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 065810839592
We Pay: $3.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BLACK CAT (7 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371006888
We Pay: $5.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BLACK LAB (6.5 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 065810512440
We Pay: $4.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BLACK & WHITE CAT (7 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 065810839523
We Pay: $3.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BLACK & WHITE CHEEKY DOG (7 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371108407
We Pay: $5.00
Webkinz Virtual Pet Plush - BLACK POODLE (7.5 inch) (Mint - Unused Code)
UPC Barcode = 661371100494
We Pay: $3.00