Here you will find information about the Disney Pixar Cars & Planes products that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. We have over 2000 Disney Diecast cars toy products listed. Any that are not listed can be sold to us at the bulk price.
We have 2 options to sell Disney Cars:
#1. You can view the Disney Cars listing prices for each car and add the ones you want to sell to your basket. The easiest way to find Disney diecast cars is to search the UPC barcode that is on the box or type in the name of the character itself. It is usually easier to search the UPC barcode number. Typically only the last 5 or 6 digits is needed to locate the product.

#2. You can sell your collection in bulk at flat prices without looking each car up one at a time.
Requirements to sell us Disney items:
- Must be in new condition.
- Clean (no dirt or spots)
- Odor free (no smoke, animal scents or any other bad odor)
- In original packaging (if applicable)
(Basically, If you kept your items stored away & clean, then we are likely to purchase them. On the other hand, if your items were used as toys and played with, then we most likely won't be interested in purchasing.)
Any Disney Planes Die-Cast Figure - Bulk Submission (Mint in Package)
UPC Barcode = 746775180393
We Pay: $0.50
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - RUST-EZE CRUZ RAMIREZ (1.5 inch) GLD55 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837391
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - RAMONE (1.5 inch) GLD58 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837377
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - REX REVLER (1.5 inch) GLD60 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837445
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - MURRAY CLUTCHBURN (1.5 inch) GLD61 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837537
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - MUDDY LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (1.5 inch) GLD53 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837414
We Pay: $3.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - MISS FRITTER (1.5 inch) GLD62 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837469
We Pay: $3.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - J.D. McPILLAR (1.5 inch) GLD59 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837438
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - H.J. HOLLIS (1.5 inch) GLD57 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837407
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - HEYDAY JUNIOR MOON (1.5 inch) GLD52 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837599
We Pay: $5.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - DINOCO CHICK HICKS (1.5 inch) GLD54 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837575
We Pay: $1.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - CIGALERT (1.5 inch) GLD63 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837513
We Pay: $1.50
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - BUICK BEARINGLY (1.5 inch) GLD56 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961837605
We Pay: $1.50
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Metal Mini Racers - VARIETY 10-PACK GKG23
UPC Barcode = 887961825831
We Pay: $8.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (Silver Collection) GKB49 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961822373
We Pay: $1.50
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - DAN CARCIA (Next-Gen Piston Cup Racers) GKB45 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961822441
We Pay: $3.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - AARON CLOCKER (Next-Gen Piston Cup Racers) GKB39 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961822182
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - HOLLEY SHIFTWELL (London Chase) GKB32 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961821833
We Pay: $0.50
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - JAE (Rust-Eze Racing Center) GKB27 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961822397
We Pay: $1.50
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - REX REVLER (Dinoco 400) GKB25 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961822076
We Pay: $4.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - JACKSON STORM (Silver Collection) GKB24 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961822045
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - SUPERFLY (Thunder Hollow) GKB23 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961822496
We Pay: $1.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - RACE TEAM SARGE (London Chase) GKB21 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961822281
We Pay: $1.50
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - CLAUDE SCRUGGS (Dinoco 400) GKB20 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961822014
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - BRAND NEW MATER (Radiator Springs) GKB02 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961822458
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - CARLA VELOSO (WGP) GJY93 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961822328
We Pay: $3.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - LIGHTNING MCQUEEN w/ Sign (Funny Flashbacks) GCC81 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961826593
We Pay: $1.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - RIP CLUTCHGONESKI (WGP) GCC53 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961726114
We Pay: $3.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - TRAINER CRUZ RAMIREZ (Rust-Eze Racing Center) GBV74 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961722185
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - DOC HUDSON (Radiator Springs) GBV70 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961721928
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - NICK STICKERS (Radiator Springs) FLL76 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961561302
We Pay: $1.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - LIGHTNING MCQUEEN w/ Racing Wheels (WGP) FLM20 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961561838
We Pay: $1.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - LUIGI & GUIDO (Radiator Springs) FJH93 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961537420
We Pay: $3.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - BRICK YARDLEY (Copper Canyon Speedway) DXV53 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961402995
We Pay: $1.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Die-Cast Vehicle Toy - RUSTEZE CRUZ RAMIREZ (FGD72) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961502305
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Die-Cast Vehicle Toy - MATER (FJH92) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961537413
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Die-Cast Vehicle Toy - SALLY (FJH98) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961537437
We Pay: $1.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Die-Cast Vehicle Toy - FILLMORE (FLL37) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961561272
We Pay: $1.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Die-Cast Vehicle Toy - LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (FLM26) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961561999
We Pay: $1.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Die-Cast Vehicle Toy - MIGUEL CAMINO (FLM28) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961562026
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - Die-Cast Metal Vehicle - JEFF GORVETTE (GBY03) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961723670
We Pay: $1.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - Die-Cast Metal Vehicle - DASH BOARDMAN (GBY15) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 194735047949
We Pay: $0.50
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - Die-Cast Metal Vehicle - DARRELL CARTRIP (GCC02) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961724912
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Die-Cast Vehicle Toy - HAUL INNGAS (GCC09) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961724967
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars - Die-Cast Metal Vehicle - AIDEN (GCC83) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961725766
We Pay: $1.50
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Drive-In Series - BUZZ LIGHTYEAR (Toy Story) GMW76 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961863420
We Pay: $2.00
Mattel - Disney Pixar's Cars Drive-In Series - WOODY (Toy Story) GMW77 (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 887961863420
We Pay: $3.00