Here you will find information about the Disney Bean Bag products that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. We have over 800 Disney Bean Bag toys listed. Any that are not listed can be sold to us at the bulk price.
We have 2 options to sell Disney Bean Bag figures:
#1. You can view the individual listing prices for each bean bag and add the ones you want to sell to your basket. The easiest way to find Disney Bean Bags is to search the UPC barcode that is on the back of the tag or type in the name of the character itself. It is usually easier to search the UPC barcode number. Typically only the last 5 or 6 digits is needed to locate the product.
#2. You can sell your collection in bulk at flat prices without looking each Bean Bag up one at a time.
Requirements to sell us Disney Bean Bag plush items:
- Must be in mint condition (with hang tag attached).
- Clean (no dirt or spots)
- Odor free (no smoke, animal scents or any other bad odor)
(Basically, If you kept your items stored away & clean, then we are likely to purchase them. On the other hand, if your items were used as toys and played with, then we most likely won't be interested in purchasing.)
Disney Bean Bag Plush - FEBRUARY BIRTHSTONE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437014521441
We Pay: $2.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - FRONTIER MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (Theme Park Edition) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 400122658088
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - FRONTIERLAND MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 400000034676
We Pay: $1.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - GOLFER MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437013063324
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - GRADNITE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 400122145762
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - GUENIVERE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437010574632
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - GUINEVERE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 412079898899
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - HIGHLAND MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437250638262
We Pay: $1.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - HOLIDAY DRESS MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9.5 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 400002818243
We Pay: $2.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - HULA MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9.5 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437017354800
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - ISLAND MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 000490961851
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - JANUARY BIRTHSTONE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437011573702
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - JANUARY BIRTHSTONE MINNIE WITH NECKLACE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 412076172664
We Pay: $2.00
We Pay: $3.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - JAPANESE MINNIE with PINK KIMONO (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 400122120165
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - JAPANESE MINNIE with RED KIMONO & YELLOW SASH (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 4936313503975
We Pay: $1.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - JESTER MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (12 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 400730002525
We Pay: $5.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - JULY BIRTHSTONE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437014738436
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - JULIET MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437014533161
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - JUNE BIRTHSTONE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437014736111
We Pay: $1.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - KIMONO MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (Disney Store Japan) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 4936313453140
We Pay: $4.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - LIBERTY MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437017354312
We Pay: $2.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - MARCH BIRTHSTONE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437014535301
We Pay: $1.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - MAY BIRTHSTONE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9.5 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437013063652
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - NIGHTWEAR MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437201759923
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - NOVEMBER BIRTHSTONE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 412074917878
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - OCTOBER BIRTHSTONE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437015694342
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - PAJAMA MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 412075287949
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - PILGRIM MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 400122040029
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - PILGRIM MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (11 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 400154390383
We Pay: $3.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - PINK POLKA DOT DRESS MINNIE (Disney Store Japan) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 4936313537857
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - PINK ANGEL MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (Disney Store Japan) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 4936313563818
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - PINK PRINCESS MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (8 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 412074030485
We Pay: $1.00
We Pay: $1.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - PIRATE MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (10 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 400000486529
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - PRINCESS MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (Theme Park Edition) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 400006073099
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - PRINCESS MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (11 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 437018161087
We Pay: $2.00
Disney Bean Bag Plush - QUARTET MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (9 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 400000578361
We Pay: $0.50
Disney Bean Bag Plush - QUEEN MINNIE (Mickey Mouse) (8 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 412075627776
We Pay: $1.00