Here you will find information about the Barbie products that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. Values are updated weekly depending on desirability. We have over 2500 Barbies listes with prices.

You can view the individual listing prices for each Barbie and add the ones you want to sell to your basket. The easiest way to find Barbies is to search the UPC barcode that is on the box or type in the name of the Barbie itself.
It is usually easier to search the UPC barcode number. Typically only the last 5 or 6 digits is needed to locate the product.

Requirements to sell us Barbie items:
- Must be in new original packaging (unopened & sealed).
- Clean (no damage, yellowing, crushing or price stickers)
- Odor free (no smoke, animal scents or any other bad odor)

(Basically, If you kept your items stored away & clean, then we are likely to purchase them. On the other hand, if your items were used as toys and played with, then we most likely won't be interested in purchasing.)


Barbie Ballet Masquerade

UPC Barcode = 074299505645

We Pay: $3.00

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Badgley Mischka Bride 2004

UPC Barcode = 027084069808

We Pay: $0.50

Barbie BFMC Mermaid Gown 2013

UPC Barcode = 746775170295

We Pay: $50.00

We Pay: $15.00

We Pay: $40.00

Barbie Bob Mackie Lady Liberty 2000

UPC Barcode = 074299269349

We Pay: $25.00

Barbie Becky Most Mod Party Giftset 2009

UPC Barcode = 027084675610

We Pay: $20.00

Barbie Bob Mackie Radiant Redhead 2002

UPC Barcode = 074299555015

We Pay: $15.00

Barbie Bob Mackie Sterling Silver Rose 2002

UPC Barcode = 074299554513

We Pay: $20.00

Barbie Bob Mackie Sterling Silver Rose

UPC Barcode = 074299554520

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Black & White Collection 2013

UPC Barcode = 746775170417

We Pay: $40.00

Barbie Blushing Orchid Bride 1997

UPC Barcode = 074299169625

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Billions of Dreams 1997

UPC Barcode = 074299176418

We Pay: $12.00

Barbie Butterfly Princess

UPC Barcode = 074299130519

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie Birthday Party

UPC Barcode = 074299183515

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie Birthday Princess Set

UPC Barcode = 746775042783

We Pay: $8.00

Barbie BFMC Party Dress Silkstone 2012

UPC Barcode = 746775047559

We Pay: $25.00

Barbie Benefit Performance 1988

UPC Barcode = 074299054754

We Pay: $20.00

Barbie Bath Play Fun

UPC Barcode = 027084927085

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie Bath Play Fun (dark blonde)

UPC Barcode = 027084927092

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie Bath Play Fun Teresa (orange suit)

UPC Barcode = 027084927108

We Pay: $2.00

Barbie Birthday PARTY kELLY 2002 AA

UPC Barcode = 074299173240

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie Beauty Pageant Skipper

UPC Barcode = 074299093241

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Bowling Party Stacie

UPC Barcode = 074299220135

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie Beyond Pink Teresa

UPC Barcode = 074299200182

We Pay: $2.00

Barbie Beyond Pink with Cassette

UPC Barcode = 074299200175

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie Bowling Party Whitney

UPC Barcode = 074299220159

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie Blue Rhapsody 1991

UPC Barcode = 074299013645

We Pay: $2.00

Barbie Blue Rhapsody 1986

UPC Barcode = 074299017087

We Pay: $12.00

Barbie Barney Rubble

UPC Barcode = 027084108781

We Pay: $0.50

Barbie Ballet Recital

UPC Barcode = 074299181870

We Pay: $15.00

Barbie Britto Romero

UPC Barcode = 746775290993

We Pay: $12.00

Barbie Basic Red Model#3 2011

UPC Barcode = 746775016470

We Pay: $15.00

Barbie Basics RED Model #2 2011

UPC Barcode = 746775016487

We Pay: $10.00

Barbie Basics RED Model #1 2011

UPC Barcode = 027084945126

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Basics RED Model #8 2011

UPC Barcode = 027084945140

We Pay: $10.00

Barbie Babysitter Skipper

UPC Barcode = 074299120718

We Pay: $20.00

Barbie Birthday Surprise

UPC Barcode = 074299164910

We Pay: $4.00

Barbie Bicyclin' Stacie

UPC Barcode = 074299167348

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie Blue Starlight

UPC Barcode = 074299171253

We Pay: $0.50

Barbie Bronze Sensation

UPC Barcode = 074299200229

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie Ballet Star

UPC Barcode = 074299291951

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Barbara Streisand

UPC Barcode = 027084547054

We Pay: $10.00

Barbie Barbra Streisand 2009

UPC Barcode = 027084690484

We Pay: $15.00

Barbie Bewitched Samantha

UPC Barcode = 611385260011

We Pay: $2.00